Access to quality food is an essential human right.
Utilizing high-impact public policy that ensures all New Yorkers have access to healthy, affordable, culturally appropriate foods within an equity-centered food system.
What we do
We work to dismantle barriers to food access.
Lack of food access is an income equity issue, compounded by systemic racial and gender-based barriers. We strive to end poverty and hunger through strategic coalitions, creative partnerships, and engagement of people most directly affected.
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Our Programs
School Meals
School meals is one of the farthest reaching anti-hunger programs for families with school-aged children in the United States. We advocate for policies, initiatives, and innovations that drive toward a vision of making school food the most enjoyable, welcoming, and student-centered experience possible.
Good Food Purchasing
The Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP) transforms the way public institutions use their enormous food procurement power to advance local and regional food systems in the core value areas of: local economies, health, racial equity, valued workforce, animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and supply chain transparency.
Supermarket Access
Access to quality, affordable supermarkets is key to a healthy community food ecosystem. CFA is focusing on supermarket access in low-income and gentrifying NYC neighborhoods. Together with key partners we are working to identify a comprehensive approach to address this longstanding problem.
Youth Leadership
Community Food Advocates is growing the next generation of school food experts by doing a deep dive into the policies that shape our food system. We provide experiential learning opportunities where young people develop skills and engage in creating systemic change in the nation’s largest school system.